Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Over the next six weeks I shall be blogging away with my journey so far...

"One fine day, the chaos subsides
Bleeds into awareness, and a lifetime of suprise..."

I'll be describing the various 'homes' that I dwelt in, and the trials & tribulations experienced whilst residing in Bognor Regis, Southampton, Slough & Langley, Ireland (various surrogate families!), Bournemouth, Bath, Bristol, Cheltenham, New Zealand Part 1 (luxury hotels), New Zealand Part 2 (campervan!), Crowthorne, Bognor Regis (the return!), and finally my current location Chichester.

I'll knock out the first blog tomorrow...entitled: Fear Can Hold You Prisoner, Hope Can Set You Free.

Thereafter, I intend to do two blogs per week, and the proposed timetable is as follows:-

w/c 22 Nov - The Concrete Jungle ~ When Irish Eyes Are Smiling!
w/c 29 Nov - Home By The Sea ~ Following My Heart To Bath
w/c 06 Dec - Sadly Broke ~ Montpelier Exchange
w/c 13 Dec - A Dream Realised ~ A Kiwi At Heart
w/c 20 Dec - Time To Bite The Bullet! ~ Back To Where It All Started
w/c 27 Dec - ...And Where To Now?

A New Year then begins...and with it a New Journey!
Watch this space.

Nomadic Steve

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