Tuesday, November 16, 2010

An Introduction

Welcome to my blog...A Spiritual Journey To Find A Home.

For the past 14 years I have been living a rather nomadic lifestyle, displaying the occassional hedonistic tendencies, whilst in the persuit of a place that I could call 'home'.

My travels have taking me all around the southern areas of England, and I have spent quite a lot of time in Southern Ireland and New Zealand. Everywhere that I have 'laid down my hat, has been a home', but unfortunately these dwellings haven't ever lasted longer than a few years at a time.

Over the coming months I shall endeavour to describe my travels in my journey to find a home, and share some of the reasons why certain places just weren't meant to be. Usually, this may have comprised a romantic liason, but as 'gentlemen don't kiss & tell' I shall remain quite discreet over any of these issues. Lol.

A good friend has monickered me as 'The Goodness Guru', but I think that's too kind.
I prefer to go by the name of 'Nomadic Steve', and I hope that by writing this blog I shall provide some wit, humour and wisdom, as well as some self-theraputic process for myself.

Until next time soon...

Take care,
Nomadic Steve

1 comment:

  1. I'll look forward to reading your blog... :)
    Ali x
