Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A State Of Mind Is A Contagious Thing

"it's always a struggle to let somebody go,
it's a natural desire to own your lover, I know,
and you can screw a man down until he takes to drinking,
he'll give you all of his money, you still won't know what he's thinking.

Take me to the fantastic place, keep the rest of my life away
Take me to the island..."  ~  Steve (h) Hogarth #1

The above words perfectly describes my life so far, as it sums up my previous inclination to find it difficult to let go and then move on, followed by a downward spiral to the bottom of a bottle of Jack Daniels.
I have also been guilty of maybe being too generous to others with my money in the past, which has some bearing on my current financial predicament.
The 'fantastic place' and 'island' references are of course New Zealand, as I've always seen this as my immediate escape route to my troubles and to distance myself from all of the other issues in my life.

But I don't think being generous with money and helping out those in greater need should be looked upon as a weakness - no matter what my future holds, I know I've helped out quite a few people over the years to turn their lives around, even if sometimes it's been to my own personal disadvantage.
Very recently I gave what I could to someone in special need, and I know that this was greatly appreciated and the feeling of being able to give far outweighs the joy of receiving. In return I was lucky to be the recipent of a sweet smile and a huge that's priceless!

"a state of mind is a contagious thing,
spread it around - you never know what the future brings..."  ~  Steve (h) Hogarth #2

Despite all the setbacks, trials and tribulations, it is important to retain a positive state of mind.
Wallowing in self-pity isn't particularly pleasant for anyone, and feeling sorry for yourself doesn't endear yourself to your friends or loved ones.
So the realisation has to be that setbacks are a part of life, and to put it all down to experience.
Keep your chin up and get on with life.
If you can retain your positive spirit in these trying times and keep a smile on your face, then you can spread this good feeling around...after all laughing is a contagious quality too.

Taking this positive attitude into consideration means that I won't let my current illness deter me from my mission to find my spiritual home.
I have recently started taking my third different type of medication for the potential Barratts Oesophagus condition that I've contracted, and this has brought on a third different form of side effects.
However, I am determined to stay strong and not let this situation get me down - so bring on the gastroscopy at the hospital, and let's get this sorted asap!
In fact, I think this current situation has enabled me to focus on the 'now' and living in the moment, and to make the most of whatever opportunities come my way in my persuit to find my spiritual home.
Despite trying to put on a brave face and remain positive, I've had to postpone my Irish trip due this weekend regrettably.
I feel very disappointed to miss out on catching up with my great friends in Ireland, but I shall return again soon, once I feel healthy enough to make the journey. I'll be open to much ridicule when I do eventually visit, as I'll be sticking to the orange juice and leaving the guinness alone. Having said that, there's plenty of lovely coffee shops around especially in Carlow, and I'll look forward to the special hazlenut brand of coffee in Glenn & Ruth's kitchen, so I'll be fine and it'll be grand.

Instead, I'll be hoping to enjoy a very peaceful long weekend, recharging my batteries and rebuilding my strength, as although mentally strong, physically I still feel pretty weak - despite maintaining my daily regime of walking a minimum of five miles and completing 75 push-ups!

I'll leave you with the wise old words from the Cornish comic, Jethro:
"Live each day as if it's your last...because one day you will be right!"

Nomadic Steve

1 comment:

  1. I very much like the sentiment here, Steve. I think I need to follow your advice a bit more. I always try to live each day as though it's my last, but it's easy to get bogged down sometimes, isn't it. In Japanese, there's a great word: "ganbatte" to which you respond "ganbarimasu". It basically translates as "Please try your best" and "I will try my best", but the feeling is more one of mutual strength and determination. So, "ganbatte"! I know you will get there in the end! ;)
