Friday, January 28, 2011

Waiting At The Crossroads

"If I could, through myself, set your spirit free
I'd lead your heart away, see you break, break away
Into the light and to the day..." 
                                                     ~ U2

With the weekend fast approaching, I thought I'd publish next weeks blog a little early...although it is with a touch of sadness.
This will be my last for a while due to the fact that I've reached the crossroads on my journey to find a home, and unfortunately I cannot move forward until certain answers have been provided, to enable me to determine my future decisions.

My whole spiritual journey to find a home has stalled whilst awaiting the outcome of events which will shape the rest of my life.

Will my health be restored fully once I receive the appropriate examinations?
Or will any potential discoveries cause me to re-think my options?

Will my old bank finally accept responsibility for their actions?
And will they reach an acceptable agreement with me so that my financial situation will be sorted once and for all?
Or will they rule against me leaving me with no alternative other than attempting to find another solution through a debt relief agency for example?

Will romance blossom as I sincerely hope it will, and this will surely enable me to finally find a true 'home'?
This will almost certainly result in moving to another location, but that's not a problem if it brings true happiness for all concerned.

If the romance doesn't work out, then will this mean I chance my arm for a third time in New Zealand?
And if so, will this be a brief encounter or a more permanent adventure?

All of these questions will hopefully get answered imminently...but I won't be holding my breath!
Once I receive this knowledge I hope to be able to move on with my journey one way or another, and I shall be resuming my blog to keep you all informed.
In the meantime I'll remain non-judgemental and not take anything (or anyone) for granted, and just hope that 'Lady Luck' smiles on me in the not-too-distant future.

It seems extremely appropriate to conclude where I started with a reference from 'The Shawshank Redemption', in a similar vein to the ending of the film...

I feel like a free man at the start of a long journey, who's conclusion is uncertain.

I hope to find the beauty of New Zealand remains untouched, as I remember it.
I hope to find true happiness, and with it find love.

I hope to receive good health before new wealth, and remain rich in love.

I hope...

Nomadic Steve

Footnote: If anyone is interested, I've adapted all my blogs into a 'word' document which I've also edited into chronological order, so that it reads like a book. So if you've missed any and fancy a catch-up, just leave me your e-mail address & I can pass it on.

1 comment:

  1. My fingers are crossed for you, Steve. I hope to be reading some new updates on your blog soon. Take care. x
