Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine's Day Blog

"Love is always new. Regardless of whether we love once, twice or a dozen times in our life, we always face a brand-new situation."

Just a short piece to wish all the other single people out there a Happy Valentines Day.
It can be quite sad sometimes on February 14th, when you see couples enjoying this special day...but don't lose hope and don't lose heart. Having said that you may be happy to be on your own, and it's far better to be alone than in a miserable relationship.
To all of you who are in a relationship, make sure you appreciate each other and spoil each other every chance you get!

As for me, a quick update since my previous blog on where I'm at after hitting the crossroads of my journey.

Technically speaking I remain single, but things are progressing nicely personally for me on a potential romantic level.
I'm slightly reserved in terms of not wanting to tempt fate too soon, as there are numerous obstacles standing in our way preventing love from running smoothly.
Fortunately, I have always been a very patient man, so I can wait...and I believe that she is worth waiting for, so time will tell I guess?
If things develop as I wish, then my long search and quest to find my spiritual home may finally be over!

Next Monday I'm attending St.Richards hospital for my long awaited gastroscopy and biopsy, and fingers crossed the examinations will finally provide some answers to my state of ill health.
On a positive note, since contracting this condition I've lost nearly a stone in weight and at least two inches around my the purchase of some new jeans and smart trousers is imminent!

Finally, the noose around my neck is tightening with regards to my old banking problem.
After nearly two years of wrangling my case has been passed from an adjudicator to an assessor at the Financial Ombudsman Service.
By the time my next blog comes around I'll finally have an answer as I've just been informed that a decision is in the post!
So all being well my love life, my health, and my wealth will all be resolved in the next few weeks.
I'll keep you all this space!

Nomadic Steve

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