Friday, January 7, 2011

Hope Springs Eternal

"have you ever felt so lost, but didn't know until you were found..." ~ Alicia Keys

A slightly belated Happy New Year to you all!

My opening weekly blog of 2011 starts with a look to the future.
Whilst attempting to live in the 'now', I can't help but cast an eye to the horizon with an air of optimisim as a new year brings new hope and new dreams.
Hopefully, an Irish trip will still happen, another New Zealand adventure will soon come into focus, and as for my personal circumstances...well, I remain a hopeless romantic!

I always thought that the word 'barretts' would be associated with a new home, which would link in nicely with my blog, but little did I know that I'd discover an entirely different meaning of that word. As you may recall at the end of last year, my priority was to sort out my health. I like to think some progress has been made, but tests so far administered haven't proved 100% conslusive, and it seems very likely that I have a condition know as Barrett's Oesophagus.
This requires constant medication and watching what I eat and drink, but taking meds for life at the expense of alcohol is a small price to pay if it enables me to continue my journey to find my spiritual home. The meds act as a proton inhibitor, which reduces the amount of acid that the stomach creates. It means that I have to take it easy for a while, and not work or play too hard, and depending how I get along with the third course of medication, it may also mean that I will have to sacrifice my impending trip to Ireland. This will be very sad if this is the case, but I know my friends will understand and they know that it's only a postponement, and not a cancellation.

Barrett's oesophagus can be a pre-cancerous condition of the lining of the oesophagus, the muscular tube that carries foods, liquids and saliva from the mouth to the stomach.
Barrett's oesophagus is caused by the long-term exposure of the oesophagus to acid reflux, a medical condition also known as GORD ( gastro oesophageal reflux disease).
When stomach acids back up into the oesophagus, the lining of the oesophagus can become injured. In some cases, the oesophageal lining may develop into a different kind of tissue which resembles the lining of the intestine. This change is Barrett's oesophagus.

I am now awaiting a final appointment at the hospital for a Gastroscopy, where they can effectively put a camera down my throat all the way down to my stomach to determine categorically what the diagnosis is...what fun!
Now, all of these details may seem inappropriate to the normal context of my blog, but there is an appropriate reason for mentioning them.
Purely by chance and coincidence all of these health issues have actually brought a change to my personal life, in that a very special person has returned into my life. 
Although my optimism may be a little misplaced, I don't want to get carried away just yet, but this lady understands what I'm going through as she's fully aware of the medical condition, and I've been tapping her up constantly to get all of her knowledge on the issue.
As a result I have recently spent some quality time in her presence and in the company of her two gorgeous daughters, and it's priceless to have the ability to make someone special in your life smile. Making two lovely little girls laugh as you struggle to compete with them on Wii, is worth it's weight in gold...I may be poor in life and currently in health, but I'm rich in love.
Over the course of the coming months I hope that these matters of the heart continue to progress, and I shall no longer possess a restless soul in my persuit of my spiritual home... Watch this space!

Nomadic Steve.

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year! I hope this year does indeed bring happiness and good health. Good luck with the meds and I hope they can figure out what's wrong and help you to recover. And good luck with the romance too... ;)
