Monday, March 7, 2011

The McCambridge Redemption

"Just a revoluntionary with a pseudonym ~ I'm serving a sentence to write life's sentences..."

My spiritual journey to find a home has taken up residence for the next five years in Chichester, West Sussex unless anything startling occurs in the meantime.
The old phrase 'never-say-never' still rings true, but being realistic I have to accept that my forseeable tenure is at my current address. Not that I'm complaining - far from it, as I'm happy and grateful to be sharing a home with great people in Josie & Glen.
I must admit though it is difficult sometimes when I've been exclusively independent for the past twelve or so years, but I just need to keep my head down and get on with life as best I can.

It's at times like this that the analogies and metaphors for prison life ring true once again.
Firstly, I feel like I'm serving a sentence which is testing my spirit, fortitude, and strength as personisfied by the main character, Andy Dufresne in 'The Shawshank Redemption'.
And then secondly, I feel inspired by the comical genius of Ronnie Barker aka Norman Stanley Fletcher in the sitcom 'Porridge' who uttered the following three rules to prison life:

"1. bide your time,
 2. keep your nose clean...and,
 3. don't let the bastards grind you down!"

Fletch's many pearls of wisdom help to keep me going, as like he also said, 'little victories' can lift the heart.
You can't buck the system, but you can have the occassional little cheer along the way.

I am in the process of utilising a supportive company (McCambridge Duffy) to enable me to re-finance my assets and debts, which will involve being tied into a legally binding commitment for the next five years.
During this period I may well be restricted in lavish expenditure such as exotic holidays, women (lol) or gifts, but all this will do is make me appreciate my life all the more when this commitment has expired.

Like I always say, you have to experience the bad to appreciate the good, and I know the time will soon fly by. In the meantime I will still find a way to enjoy myself even if it may be slightly down-scaled from before.
There are many simple pleasures in life to be experienced.
I enjoyed a great day last weekend with my good friend Jo in Winchester, and in a months time I will be visiting my great friends Glenn, Ruth & 'Rose in Ireland.
Two years have passed since I previously spent some time in the company of these wonderful people, so I still have so much to look forward to.
Then there is my ever-so-supportive friend, Elona - hopefully we can arrange a time to meet up for a lazy lunch again, and she can tell me all her wonderful news in person.
And finally, I hope to arrange a time to see Lou and her girls as this always makes me happy :)

As the legendary blues guitairst BB King sang..."Let The Good Times Roll".

Nomadic Steve

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