Thursday, March 10, 2011

Simple Pleasures

"when the darkness takes me over,
 face down, emptier than zero,
 invisible you come to me...quietly.
 Stay beside me, whisper to me "Here I am", and the loneliness fades.

 Some people think I'm somethin', well you gave me that, I know,
 but I always feel like nothing when I'm in the dark alone,
 you provide the soul, the spark that drives me on,
 makes me something more than flesh and bone..."

My niece recently commented that she finds it incredible that I can stay so positive, but I really think it's just a state of mind mixed in with an inner strength and indomitable spirit. This feeling is what drives me on relentlessly on my journey to find a true home and settle down one day.
As previously mentioned, there are still plenty of simple pleasures to be experienced in life irrespective of your state of wealth.
Most ordinary folks take for granted some of these simple pleasures, but when you've experienced the bad times you can really appreciate the good times when they arrive in your life, even if they are small things.

So in no particular order here are just a few of the simple pleasures in my life which I never take for granted, but that I do really appreciate when they occur.

* sharing lunch or a drink (or both!) with a dear friend and catching up with all of their news.

* enjoying a Sunday breakfast in a cafe, reading the newspapers and watching the world go by.

* viewing your bank statement on pay day!

* hearing a familar old tune, transporting you back in time to a memorable time.

* having a cold beer with the lads on a Friday afternoon, after a hard week's graft at work.

* eating a bag of chips as you stroll along the promenade or beach if the tide is out.

* making an idiot of yourself on Wii as you try to compete with your friends' kids.

* treating yourself to a rare but inexpensive luxury from time-to-time.

* sharing a sweet kiss or warm hug with someone special in your life.

* re-living happy times & memories through shared pictures on Facebook.

* snuggling up under a duvet on a rainny Sunday afternoon watching an old movie.

* giving a little something to somebody in need, knowing that you've made a difference.

* visiting a new town or city, or re-aquainting yourself after a long absense.

* finding a 'fiver' or better still, a 'tenner' in the back pocket of your old jeans.

These are just some of the simple pleasures in my life ~ make the most of them and enjoy them at every opportunity!

Nomadic Steve

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more. It's the simple pleasures that keep me going too. Here in Japan, they are a little different though. Something like:
    * Discovering a new Kit Kat flavour
    * Finding a little shrine down a side street that you never noticed before
    * Realising you actually understand the whole of what someone said to you...

    ...I could go on! Thanks for this positive post to inspire my day! I'll be looking for the little things today.
