Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What's Going On?

"There are many paths to redemption, not all of them are peaceful..."

In the words of Marvin Gaye..."What's going on?"
First it was New Zealand, where my good friends in Christchurch suffered the devastating earthquake and continual aftershocks, and now it's Japan where my niece currently resides, with their own tragic events.
I'm happy to report that all my friends and family are fine, but just what is going on?
I apprecaite the media and internet coverage is significantly advanced in these modern times, but even taking this into account there still seems to be far more disasters in recent times than in past generations.

I guess this just echoes my previous point that life is too short and you have to make the most of every moment and opportunity that comes your way.
By way of a contradiction to this sentiment, it is with much regret and a very heavy heart that I must report that although my spiritual journey to find a home remains ingrained in my physche, I must however concede defeat with certain aspects of this persuit - purely for financial reasons I hasten to add.

Therefore, my planned adventure to New Zealand, originally scheduled for August & September this year has been put back to...October 2017.
This may seem a lifetime away, but believe me six and a half years will fly by.
When I think where I was and what I was doing six and half years ago, it only seems like yesterday.
(Incidently for the curious among you, I was living in Batheaston and working for TNT in Bristol).

October 2017 will mark my 50th birthday, and what better way to celebrate this landmark occassion in style.
All my financial obligations will have been met in five years time, giving me eighteen months to raise substantial funds to really treat myself to one helluva time in NZ.
When I reluctantly reached this ultimate decision, it also coincided with the news that my good friend Ange has put back her wedding originally due for September 3rd this year.
Catching up with Ange and being part of her special day was the main purpose of my intended visit.
Hearing that her plans have changed softened the blow somewhat, although I'm still very disappointed that I will be unable to attend her wedding when she does reset the wedding date. I really hope that she understands, but having said that...never say never! You never know...circumstances may change making it possible to attend after all ~ as one door closes, another door opens?
Quite rightly she wants her wonderful city of Christchurch to be restored to some degree of normailty, and hopefully her currently condemned church can also be rebuilt back to it's former glory.

Although I'm planning for the future, I still believe in living for the present...carpe diem and all that!
So any opportunities that enter my life will be grasped with both hands, and nothing will ever be taken for granted...Live every moment ♥ Laugh every day ♥ Love beyond words ♥

Nomadic Steve

1 comment:

  1. Totally with you on the "life is too short" sentiment! Really feeling that these days. I hope wonderful opportunities come your way, and you are able to enjoy life even if NZ has been put off. x
