Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Somewhere Else

"I spent a lot of money on booze, birds and fast cars...the rest I just squandered."

The above infamous quote from the legendary George Best, sort of resonates with me too!
And the title 'Somewhere Else' applies to me in that the full lyrics read as follows:
"I've seen enough, everyone I love lives somewhere else."

Since my recent health scare, I've found myself questioning my mortality and what (if anything) I will leave behind in terms of my legacy.
When you also consider the devastating events in Christchurch, you realise that life is too short and you must make the most of it.
So what if it appears that I've wasted my money on wining and dining women...I can recall as many happy times as I can sad heartbreaks, and I know that I have helped out at least three lovely ladies financially, so I can honestly say that I have contributed in helping them to turn their respective lives around.

As content as I am living in West Sussex once again, I can honestly say that family apart, all the people that I love do indeed live somewhere else.
This is the essence of my entire blog - my spiritual journey to find a home.
I've already bored you with all the details of my persuit for happiness through previous blogs, but my heart (or at least a small part of it) remains in Berkshire, Somerset & Gloucestershire, Ireland and New Zealand.

My journey continues onwards and I remain open to any opportunities that come my way.

To all of you living somewhere else...and you know who you are ~ I LOVE YOU ALL!

Nomadic Steve

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